Whenever any data is uploaded to a shared website hosting account or downloaded using it, some web site traffic is produced and this is a feature that every single hosting plan comes with. It's furthermore one of the characteristics you have to take a look at, because what amount of website traffic allowance you will need is dependent upon the things you need the account for. The traffic is mainly produced by downloads including site visits. In simple terms, every time someone goes to your website, the web pages are downloaded from the server on their computer and they're afterwards shown by their internet browser. It is also recommendable to be aware that uploads matter as well, therefore any time you back up large files from your computer system to the server, some website traffic will be generated too. Different suppliers may have different names for this feature, like traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, however all of them apply to the very same thing - the exact amount of incoming and outgoing data produced for a period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Website Hosting

All our shared website hosting are suitable for any kind of small-scale or medium-sized site and even a larger variety of sites. Considering that you can host various domain names using one account, we've designed our packages in a way so as to supply you with all the options you'll need. Whether you have a personal portfolio web site or an e-commerce web site, the monthly site traffic allowance that your web site can use won't ever be a holdback. In this way, you will have the possibility to expand your worldwide web presence and acquire a variety of new site visitors without worrying about hitting a limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel provides you with elaborate details related to the traffic usage to and from your account, that will enable you to take care of your sites as well as your account better. You can check hourly, daily and monthly stats, the traffic produced by each domain and by the account as a whole, the most often downloaded files, etc.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

As our semi-dedicated servers are pretty effective, we have decided not to put any type of limit for the monthly website traffic that a given account can produce. It is our understanding that if you buy a hosting package that features a lot of processing power, your sites will most probably have lots of visitors and since every single visitor generates certain traffic, one may end up with unavailable web sites in case there is any limit for this particular feature. With truly unrestricted site traffic, you will be sure this won't happen. For your convenience, you can keep track of the data being downloaded along with the website traffic that is generated for each individual domain with hourly, daily and monthly statistics that will give you an idea how popular your sites are. You'll be able to even see individual webpages and files which have generated the most site traffic in the semi-dedicated account.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated servers that we supply come with great traffic allowances that are enough for almost any web site, even a video streaming portal or a well-liked social network. Terabytes of site traffic will be at your disposal every month and the management panel that is included with each dedicated server will give you info what amount of info has been transferred already and what amount is available for the current month. In order to avoid service disruptions, we will notify you as soon as you reach 90% of your quota and you'll be able to either reduce the website traffic generated by your sites by optimizing their content, or you can increase the quota for your account. It is very unlikely that you'll ever need such an upgrade, but we chose to leave this option open. The statistics in that panel include the entire website traffic, in contrast to the information inside your hosting Control Panel where you will find only the traffic from websites, but not from server-side software downloads and updates.