Memcached in Shared Website Hosting
Memcached is available as an optional upgrade with each shared website hosting plan that we are offering and in case you’d like to use it for any script-driven Internet site that you host on our innovative cloud website hosting platform, you will be able to add it in a couple of easy steps via your Hepsia Control Panel. In the meantime, you’ll be offered the option to upgrade two separate things – the instances and the system memory. The first one refers to the number of the Internet sites that can use the Memcached memory caching system simultaneously, so if you need it for several Internet sites, you can order a handful of instances. The second one refers to the maximum amount of memory that the system will be permitted to use to cache content, so for plenty of sites (or for one resource-requiring site), you may want to order more memory for better performance. The memory is offered in increments of 16 MB and more memory can be added at any point. With the Memcached caching system, any script-driven site hosted on our cloud servers will load blazing-fast.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can add the Memcached object caching platform to any of the semi-dedicated servers that we offer and use its full potential for any script-powered website hosted on our servers. The upgrade is available through the Hepsia Control Panel and you can select two features – the instances and the amount of system memory. These things determine the number of the websites that can use the Memcached platform and the amount of memory that it will use to cache your data. You can choose them independently, since a given instance is not bound to a specific amount of system memory, so you can use plenty of memory for one resource-heavy site, for instance. This feature is available in increments of 16 megabytes and you can get as much memory as you like. The Memcached platform can be used with any script-driven website regardless of its nature, including those that are based on widely used Internet apps like Drupal™, WordPress or Joomla™, and lots of companies like Zynga and Wikipedia are already using it to improve the speed of their websites.
Memcached in Dedicated Servers
When you obtain one of our dedicated servers and if you select Hepsia as your website hosting Control Panel on the order form, you’ll get the Memcached platform by default and you can activate it for each Internet site that you host on your server without upgrading or installing anything. It will start caching content as people access your site, so you’ll detect the results of using it shortly after that. The minimum amount of system memory that will be available to the caching platform is 3 gigabytes and naturally, the more powerful the dedicated plan, the more system memory Memcached will have at its disposal. This amount will allow you to use the platform for multiple websites or for an extremely heavy Internet site without compromising its efficacy. Memcached will allow you to improve the speed of any database-driven site in no time – a Joomla™ portal, a WordPress online journal, an OpenCart e-shop, etcetera, and to optimize the performance of your dedicated server.