Perl Scripting in Shared Website Hosting
As Perl is set up on our cloud hosting platform, you will be able to execute Perl/CGI scripts with any of our shared website hosting plans without any difficulties. You can even do this automatically via a cron job if your plan includes this option. If not, you're able to add cron jobs through the Upgrades section of your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. More than 3000 Perl modules are available on our servers and you'll be able to use them with your scripts. The complete list can be found inside the Control Panel and when you want to use any module, you just have to add the path to our module library inside your script. In case third-party scripts which you would like to include in your website demand a specific module, for instance, you won't need to worry whether they will run efficiently or not. In this way, you will be able to make a dynamic website and supply various characteristics to your targeted visitors.
Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can use every Perl-based app, including CGI scripts, with all the semi-dedicated servers that we offer as Perl is supported on all of our servers. You're able to make any kind of .pl file executable by setting the proper UNIX permissions for it through the Hepsia Control Panel or through any kind of FTP client and depending on the actual script, it may be executed manually as a result of some action the client performs on your website, or automatically through a cron job that you can create in your account. If you want to employ a script that you have found online and it needs certain modules to be present on the server, you're able to take advantage of our vast library that includes over 3000 modules. Thus, you can be sure that every Perl application that you generate or find on the web will perform flawlessly on our end.